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William Clay Poe

Professor Emeritus

William Poe
William Clay Poe



William Poe earned a divinity degree from Princeton before going on to study archeology at Brandeis University. He first came to Sonoma State in the early 1970s. In addition to his teaching responsibilities in the history department Professor Poe has also served in the SSU administration in several capacities as Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Academic Planning, and the School of Social Sciences. He has directed and worked on archeological field schools around the globe, from the Middle East to the Americas.

Selected Publications & Presentations

William Poe and Sue Hayes, Figura 7: Plano de Pillistay, 1:17,000 Figura 68: Plano de Pampata, 1:22,500, Figura 132: Plano de Soto, 1:21000. In Tantaleán H. and B. Owen Complejos de Patios con Columnas de Camaná: Levantamiento, Sondeos, y Fechados para Definir su Filiación Cultural y Cronológica: Informe de Campo e Informe Final. Report to the Instituto Nacional de Cultura (2007).

“Baking Pot, Settlement Survey.” The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project: A Report of the 2004 Field Season, edited by Christophe G.B. Helmke & Jaime J. Awe, pp. 47"49. Institute of Archaeology, National Institute of Culture and History, Belmopan (2005).

“Global Positioning System Survey, El Pilar Archaeological Reserve for Maya Flora and Fauna, Belize and Guatemala, 6 June – 19 June, 2000”, in  Anabel Ford and Clark Wernecke, “Assessing the situation at El Pilar: Chronology, survey, conservation, and Management Planning for the 21st Century. UC Santa Barbara: MesoAmerican Research Center (2000).

The Mesoamerican Archaeology Field School Preliminary Report: GPS mapping at the prehistoric site of Ujuxte, Guatemala, January 1997 field season. Report to Michael Love, Principal Investagator, Proyecto Arqueologico Ujuxte (1997).